- Real-time Adversarial Image Perturbations for Autonomous Vehicles using Reinforcement Learning, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
- Verification and Validation of a Vision-Based Landing System for Autonomous VTOL Air Taxis, AIAA SCITECH
- Bayesian Data Augmentation and Training for Perception DNN in Autonomous Aerial Vehicles, AIAA SciTech
- A Youla Operator State-Space Framework for Stably Implementable Distributed Control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Backup Plan Constrained Model Predictive Control with Guaranteed Stability, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics
- Uncertainty Quantification-Based Switching Control Method for Vision-Based Object Tracking in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, AIAA SciTech
- Sampling Complexity of Path Integral Methods for Trajectory Optimization, IEEE American Control
- Learning When to Use Adaptive Adversarial Image Perturbations against Autonomous Vehicles, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- Robust Vehicle Lane Keeping Control with Networked Proactive Adaptation, Artificial Intelligence
- Resilient Estimation and Safe Planning for UAVs in GPS-Denied Environments, Control of Autonomous Aerial Vehicles: Advances in Autopilot Design for Civilian UAVs
- Adaptive Risk Sensitive Path Integral for Model Predictive Control via Reinforcement Learning, Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
- An Information-Theoretic Analysis of Discrete-Time Control and Filtering Limitations by the I-MMSE Relationships,
- Sℒ1-Simplex: Safe Velocity Regulation of Self-Driving Vehicles in Dynamic and Unforeseen Environments, ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems
- Communication Efficient Curvature Aided Primal-Dual Algorithms for Decentralized Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Adaptive Control to Suppress Torque Ripple in Electric Vehicles, IFAC-PapersOnLine
- Distributed Primal-Dual Optimization for Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems, IEEE
- Path Integral Methods with Stochastic Control Barrier Functions, IEEE
- Multi-time Predictions of Wildfire Grid Map using Remote Sensing Local Data, IEEE
- Stochastic Learning Rate with Memory: Optimization in the Stochastic Approximation and Online Learning Settings, IEEE Control Systems Letters
- Sampling Complexity of Path Integral Methods for Trajectory Optimization, IEEE
- Control Barrier function Augmentation in Sampling-Based Control Algorithm for Sample Efficiency, IEEE
- Stochastic Learning Rate Optimization in the Stochastic Approximation and Online Learning Settings, IEEE
- A Communication Efficient Quasi-Newton Method for Large-Scale Distributed Multi-agent Optimization, IEEE